
Ghana Online Continuous Emission Monitoring System

A robust, industry-compatible emission monitoring system supporting the EPA's eco-friendly mandate.

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Project Description

Ensuring Eco-Friendly Communities

gocems is developed and implemented by ECHT Environment Services in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency of the Republic of Ghana with United Platform Solutions serving as a technology partner.

The implementation of gocems is in pursuance of the EPA's mandate as issued under Act 490 and L.I 1652 of the Environmental Protection Act. By monitoring emissions accross industries, EPA is able to ensure compliance and make data driven decisions: To track the release of pollutants through air emissions and effluent discharge from industries with high pollution potential, to address the environmental impacts of their operations and also allow annual environmental permit applications to be processed using the web portal (gocems)

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Main Features of gocems

gocems is developed as integrated system of smart sensors and software. The system comes with these primary features:

Emission Sensors

Multiple data capture sites where smart sensors installed at strategic industry monitoring sites are configured to capture emission data.

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Analytics Software Engine

An analytical software engine receives real-time data from sensors which analyzes and generates detailed emission reports

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External Analyzers

gocems connects via APIs with external emission analysers and globally accepted compliance checklists to ensure accuracy of reports

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Emission Control Rooms

State-of-the-art control rooms for real-time monitoring of emissions accross various industry sites to ensure compliance and data-driven decisions.

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How It Works

gocems System Description

gocems is a complete technological solution that measures the concentration of gaseous emission and particulate matter, emission rates using analytical measurements and a computer program to provide results in units of the applicable emission limits or standards. GOCEMS is designed to monitor emissions in air and water. The data generated will be collected through analogue outputs to a Data Acquisition System (DAS) for storage and onward transmission to the EPA dashboard. The Data Acquisition System includes special modules for data validation and further transmission to Central servers located at the EPA Head Office through a cloud server compatible with specific types of analysers.

The system comprises of 3 components:
• Online Analyser (Sensors)
• Data Acquisition System (DAS)
• EPA portal for data analysis and monitoring

Sensor Varieties For Emission Data Capture

Smart Sensor Specifications

Sensors employed in this system are industry-standard and cover parameters such as PM2.5, PM10, CO2, CO, Noise, Light, UV-Radiation, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure

Sensor Configuration Schedule


  • Ammonia (NH3)
  • VOCs
  • PM
  • Noise
  • Carbon monooxide (CO)
  • Carbon Dioxide(CO2)
  • Nitric Oxide(NO)
  • Nitrogen Dioxide(NO2)
  • Sulpher Dioxide(SO2)
  • Hyrdrogen Sulphide(H2S)

Sensor Configuration Schedule


  • Ozone Gases (O3)
  • PM
  • Noise
  • Carbon monooxide (CO)
  • Carbon Dioxide(CO2)
  • Nitric Oxide(NO)
  • Nitrogen Dioxide(NO2)
  • Sulpher Dioxide(SO2)
  • Hyrdrogen Sulphide(H2S)

Sensor Configuration Schedule


  • Temperature
  • %RH
  • PM
  • hPa
  • Carbon monooxide (CO)
  • Carbon Dioxide(CO2)
  • Nitric Oxide(NO)
  • Nitrogen Dioxide(NO2)
  • Ozone Gases (O3)
  • Noise
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Learn More About gocems

gocems is not just a project. This is a giant step towards ensuring healthier communities.

The Ghana Continuous Emission Monitoring System (GOCEMS) is designed to be utilized by both industries and regulatory bodies. Industries are required to comply with stringent environmental regulations, and hence they will be primary users of the system. These industries are mandated to monitor and report their emissions to ensure they meet the environmental standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Ghana. Additionally, regulatory bodies such as the EPA will use GOCEMS to obtain accurate and timely data on industrial emissions. This data is crucial for enforcing compliance, assessing the environmental impact of industrial activities, and ensuring that industries adhere to national and international environmental regulations.
GOCEMS provides significant benefits to industries by offering a robust system for real-time monitoring of emissions. Industries can continuously track their pollutant levels, ensuring they remain within the legal limits prescribed by environmental regulations. This real-time monitoring capability helps industries promptly identify and address any emissions that exceed the permissible levels, thus avoiding potential fines and sanctions. Moreover, by ensuring compliance with mandatory environmental reporting requirements, GOCEMS assists industries in maintaining a good regulatory standing. The accurate and timely data generated by GOCEMS enables industries to make informed decisions to enhance their environmental performance and operational efficiency. These data-driven decisions can lead to improved processes, reduced emissions, and ultimately, cost savings through more efficient resource utilization.
For the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Ghana, GOCEMS is an indispensable tool for enforcing compliance and protecting the environment. The system ensures that industries adhere to environmental regulations by making it mandatory for them to report their emissions. The accurate and reliable data provided by GOCEMS allows the EPA to monitor emissions in real time, ensuring that industries comply with the legal requirements. This continuous monitoring capability is essential for the EPA to take timely enforcement actions against non-compliant industries. Furthermore, the comprehensive data collected through GOCEMS supports the EPA in policy-making and strategic planning. By analyzing the data, the EPA can identify trends, assess the effectiveness of current regulations, and develop new policies to further protect the environment.
Citizens stand to gain significantly from the implementation of GOCEMS, primarily through improved air and water quality. By ensuring that industries comply with emissions regulations, GOCEMS helps reduce the levels of pollutants released into the environment. This reduction in pollution leads to better health outcomes for the population, as cleaner air and water are crucial for preventing respiratory and other health issues. Additionally, GOCEMS enhances transparency by providing the public with access to information about industrial emissions in their communities. This increased transparency empowers citizens with the knowledge to advocate for better environmental practices and hold industries accountable for their environmental impact.
GOCEMS is structured to generate multiple revenue streams for the government. Industries using the system will be required to pay annual subscription fees, providing a steady source of income. Additionally, revenue will be generated from the sale and installation of sensors necessary for monitoring emissions. These sensors, which will be installed at strategic locations within industry premises, are essential components of the GOCEMS infrastructure. The ongoing maintenance of these sensors will also create revenue opportunities, as industries will need regular maintenance services to ensure the continued accuracy and functionality of their emission monitoring systems. Overall, these revenue streams contribute to the financial sustainability of GOCEMS and support its long-term operational goals.
The implementation of GOCEMS is a collaborative effort led by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Ghana. The EPA is the primary entity responsible for overseeing the system's deployment and ensuring it meets regulatory standards. Echt Environmental Services Limited, a private partner, plays a crucial role in the project by providing specialized environmental services and expertise. United Platform Solutions Limited, the technology partner, is responsible for developing and supporting the technological aspects of GOCEMS. This partnership leverages the strengths of each organization to create a comprehensive and effective emissions monitoring system. By combining regulatory oversight, environmental expertise, and technological innovation, GOCEMS is well-positioned to achieve its goal of reducing industrial emissions and protecting the environment in Ghana.
Our Partners

Strategic and Technical Partners

gocems is developed and implemented as a Public-Private Partnership owned by the EPA. Our partners are key to the success of this project

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P.O. Box M.326 Accra, GR Accra, Ghana

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